Most engineers struggle with Docker in real-world projects. Learn by solving hands-on labs that mimic real DevOps challenges.
23 Hands-On Labs
Are you just getting started with Docker? Have you recently completed an online Docker training or a Docker course? These trainings are useful, but they often leave you without practical experience. That's why we have developed these hands-on labs to help you level up your Docker skills. Understanding Docker and containerization is essential before moving on to advanced orchestration technologies like Kubernetes or Docker Swarm.
We understand that you might be skeptical about the quality of the labs. That’s why we have made the first few labs free for you to try.
Checkout our first lab below:
You can also view the lab here:
Click Here to try first labWe have organized several Docker Workshops in the past, and the statistics were concerning.
Participants were able to solve at least one practical problem.
Participants were able to start a MySQL container during the workshop.
Participants were able to set up a CI/CD pipeline for automated Docker image builds.
Participants were able to complete all three problems during the workshop.
In addition to this:
Live training, YouTube, Udemy, and thousands of other platforms are great for learning theory. But without working on projects, this knowledge is of no real use.
The statistics above show that most people lack fundamental practical knowledge, and this is alarming.
AI is changing software engineering fast. The best way to stay ahead is by mastering hands-on skills that companies need. These labs will give you the experience to future-proof your career.
To bridge the gap between the overwhelming amount of theoretical content available online and the practical knowledge you need to succeed in the tech industry, we have developed these hands-on labs.
Just like the Jira tickets you receive in your job.
If you get stuck, there is a step-by-step explanation for everything.
If you need community support, we have that as well.
Set up your own environment, run into issues, fix them yourself, and learn. You have to do everything on your own.
Several topics are covered, ranging from absolute fundamentals to advanced concepts.
Before you start, you need to have:
Master Docker with 23 hands-on labs designed like real-world Jira tickets.
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₹ 3500
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