About Us

The tech industry is evolving at a rapid pace, making it difficult to keep up with all the technologies around. Every day brings new learning opportunities and growth. The biggest challenge we see in today's industry is the skill gap. There is a huge demand for various technical skills in the IT industry, but a significant shortage of skilled engineers. Some engineers possess a lot of knowledge but lack real-world organizational experience, which discourages companies from hiring them. Even for experienced professionals, mastering a specific technology can be quite challenging. It is not feasible to use all the features of a technology, which sometimes leads us to ignore the features we don't use. At tdevs, we are here to solve this problem.

What is this platform exactly?

To address the problem mentioned above, we thought of a simple solution. Suppose you want to learn Golang. What would be your best approach? Reading a book, watching YouTube videos, or taking an online course. After learning, you might create some projects to practice the skills. But is that really enough? Will you ever know what challenges organizations face when implementing a new project using Golang? Will you understand why an organization did not choose Java over Golang? Many might answer yes to these questions, but in reality, most of us are unaware of real-world use cases. What if there was a platform where experienced engineers design problems based on their actual industry experience? This platform would focus on one technology, present you with several real problems, and you would have to solve them. While tackling these problems, you would learn many things that you would not encounter while watching those videos. And the best part, we don't spoonfeed; it's all DIY. However, we do provide solutions if you get stuck.

How tdevs will help you?

If you are really interested in understanding real-world problems and learning a specific technology without actually working in an organization, TDevs is the best you can get. After solving all the problems, you will be able to handle any kind of challenge thrown at you. You will be able to tackle all scenario-based problems asked in interviews. The problems here are very carefully created to help you understand the technology from the inside out.

We launched this platform in 2024 with a single exercise focused on acing Golang interviews. But that's just the beginning. We plan to expand our offerings to cover a wide range of technologies, helping you develop skills across multiple fields.

Keep learning :)